A birth of a son of an Argentine citizen which takes place outside of the Argentine territory can be registered at the Argentine Embassy or Consulate that has jurisdiction over the place of birth.
Therefore, only a birth of a son of an Argentine citizen which took place in Sweden can be registered at the Argentine Embassy in Sweden.
The registration at the Embassy enables the registered birth to take effect in Argentina retroactively since the day when the birth took place.
It does not give the born minor Argentine citizenship but it is necessary to later apply for Argentine citizenship through the option for Argentine citizenship.
Fee: amount in SEK equivalent to USD 40 at the exchange rate valid on the day of the appointment. The exact amount in SEK will be informed at the Embassy.
Time: the registration is completed at the appointment. The person who required the registration will be granted a birth registration certificate.
1° | Request an appointment by email to consulares_esuec@mrecic.gov.ar informing name and surname of the person born and -if you wish- preference of days for the appointment.
Attach to the email scanned copies of all documentation required, in PDF or JPG format.
2° | Wait for the appointment assignment by the Embassy, which you will receive by email within 2 business days after the appointment request.
3° | Attend the appointment bringing the required documentation for the procedure.
Required documentation
1 | Birth certificate (personbevis) of the person born issued by local authorities (Skatteverket), signed and stamped by an official of that body and later legalized with apostille by a notary public.
The personbevis must only contain data of the son or daughter born outside Argentina and their parents. This personbevis is identified in Swedish as utrag om folkbokföringsuppgifter.
On the other hand, the personbevis must include as complementary information the mention of the date of birth of the son or daughter ex. Juan Pérez är född June 10, 2002. This must be requested to Skatteverket. The correct term to request addition of this complementary data is manuell komplettering.
For greater clarity, a personbevis model that contains the characteristics referred to above can be found here.
2 | Translation into Spanish of the birth certificate (personbevis), made by an official translator. No apostille is required on the translation.
If you do not know any official Swedish-Spanish translator, you should contact Kammarkollegiet (Translators' Association).
3 | Argentine DNI (or passport, if not Argentine) of the person requiring the registration.