
DNI update

Argentine DNI must be updated twice: for the first time when the child is 5 to 8 years old and for a second time when the child is 14 years old.

Both updates must be applied for at the Argentine Embassy in Sweden as long as the DNI holder lives in Sweden.

While the second update can be applied for by the DNI holder directly, the first update must be requested by the DNI holder’s parents.

Each update of the DNI brings about the issuance of new DNI card.

Fee: amount in SEK equivalent to USD 15 at the exchange rate valid on the processing day. If the DNI holder is already 9 years old by the time the first update is applied for or 15 years old by the time the second update is requested, an additional payment of USD 15 must be added. The exact amount in SEK will be informed at the Embassy.

Estimated duration of the consular appointment: maximum 30 minutes.


1° | Request an appointment by email to consulares_esuec@mrecic.gov.ar informing your name and surname, date of birth, DNI number, year in which your last DNI was issued and -if you wish- preference of days for the appointment.

2° | Wait for the appointment assignment by the Embassy, ​​which you will receive by email within 2 business days after the appointment request.

3° | Attend the appointment with at least one of your parents for the first update or alone for the second update.

If at the date of the appointment you have already turned 18, you must attend accompanied by 2 witnesses who can attest to your identity. Witness can be any person over 18 years old, regardless of their nationality.

Required documentation

1 | DNI, in case of having it, or police report for loss or theft. The report must mention that the lost or stolen identity document is Argentine and must be signed and stamped by the police authority.

2 | Argentine birth certificate of the DNI holder. Do not confuse partida de nacimiento with “certificado de nacimiento”. If you do no have the birth certifícate, you can request it online through these instructions.

3 | First update: DNI of the accompanying parent, or passport if he/she is a foreigner.

4 | Second update: If at the date of the appointment you have already turned 18, Argentine DNI of the witnesses if they are Argentines or passport or national identity card if they are not Argentines.

If the accompanying parent holds a DNI passbook which does not have blue cover, a new application must be sent to apply for a replacement for DNI card.



Updated date: 06/12/2019