
Application for birth, death or marriage certificates from abroad

Request for Certificates from Abroad

Argentine Embassies and Consulates do not issue birth, death, or marriage certificates.

Argentine citizens residing abroad can obtain birth, marriage, or death certificates issued in Argentina in the following ways:

  1. Through a relative in Argentina who visits the Civil Registry of the corresponding province.
  2. Through a private agent.
  3. Online, as detailed below:

A | Requesting Certificates Registered in the City of Buenos Aires

  1. Go to the "Trámites" section, then "Registro Civil," and subsequently "Solicitud de Partidas" on the Buenos Aires city government website. Follow the online instructions to request the certificate.


  2. Once you have requested your certificate, you will be able to download it online. If you need the certificate to be apostilled, you can email us at consulares_esuec@mrecic.gov.ar, attaching the file and requesting an apostille.

B | Requesting Certificates Registered in the Province of Buenos Aires

  1. Visit the "Solicitud de Partidas" section on the Province of Buenos Aires government website, select "Partidas Online," and follow the provided instructions.


  2. Make the online payment and wait to receive the download link in your email. You do not need a paper copy of the certificate. The digital signature is valid and sufficient.

Note: To obtain certificates issued by the Civil Registry of the Province of Buenos Aires, you must have an AFIP Tax Code or an ANSES Social Code.

C | Requesting Certificates Registered in Other Provinces

  1. In your web browser (Google, Firefox, Safari), search for the name of your province + "digital birth certificate" to check if your province offers this service online.

Attention and Contact Channels for Provincial Civil Registries

For more information, you can contact:

Please Note: This procedure cannot be managed through the Consulate.



Updated date: 27/11/2024